Saturday, January 23, 2010

2009.... And The Saga Continues....

Alrighty, lets march forward with the story....

March, April and May..... Oh my my!!

Obviously trust became a HUGE issue, but as I stated, we were too far invested in this dream and my husband felt it was still possible to get things under control. The problem we didn't really comprehend at that time is, "things" weren't out of control, people were.

Because it would take me forever to fill in all the gaps, and because I don't want to bore you, I'll just say that everything continued to slide downhill. It would have its moments of looking promising, but then lack of character and lack of integrity would prove that things were not changing.

Fast forward to Memorial Day, 2009. This would be the last day my husband would have an actual conversation with his partner David Tieman....

Now, for the sake of "the other side of the story", truth be told, by this time David Tieman had come to really dislike my husband. I would take a gander that if you talked to him he would tell you that my husband is selfish and has anger issues. If not agreeing with or to everything your partner desires is selfish, if running a company with integrity and efficiently is selfish, then yes my husband is selfish. If getting frustrated with someone who can not be told he's incorrect, who does not like to be questioned about his actions, who makes decisions based on what he wants not what is right or best for the company, then yes, my husband was easily angered. Not to mention we had everything financially on the line. We were investing our funds into this company, we had everything monetary to lose.

Back to Memorial Day.... Tiemans Fusion Coffee was at an outside event serving coffee. I believe the straw that broke the camel's back occurred that day. My husband questioned David Tieman on a purchase that he had made and as I stated David Tieman does not like being questioned. I also believe at this point it had become David's opinion that he was ranked the superior partner who had the only right to make any and every decision - period. They worked the event, went their separate ways, and then all communication from him stopped. During that week we did receive a text message from him stating that he was sick, but he would not answer a phone call or email message.

During the next several weeks, and still no communication with my husband, David Tieman started draining the company bank account. Once again, a substantial amount of the money was written to himself.

Finally we receive a phone call....

To meet him at his lawyer's office. We lawyer up, and a mediation date is set for July.....

To be continued....


  1. Wow, that is awful. I am so sorry you guys are going through all of that. I hope you are able to get it resolved honestly.

  2. I'm anxious to hear how this story ends because I just received an email from Tiemans that was written as if I had made a purchase in the past (I was going to, but never did). It said it was from David.

  3. Willoughby - it doesn't end well, but i don't want to ruin your future reading :)... out of curiosity, did you just receive this email? We received one last week and are wondering if he figured out we're on the email list? If you still have it can you forward it to me at You know, its that whole curiosity factor...

  4. Your saga is making me physically ill. I don't know what to say except that I'm sorry this has happened to you.
